Ethically propagated native plants of the Pacific Northwest & Columbia River Gorge
Native Plant Photo Gallery with Links to Species Information
An alphabetical display of some of the many species of native plants that we work with. Cross reference our plant list to see which species are currently available in the nursery. Click on the photos to see full plant names and a link to the OregonFlora information page for that particular species, which in most cases includes gardening information. A few of the links lead to species profiles in the Burke Herbarium Image Collection. Kudos to everyone at OregonFlora and the Burke Herbarium for providing us all with such great information! (All photos taken by Kristin Currin & Andrew Merritt)

Grand fir

Vine maple

Rocky Mountain maple

Bigleaf maple

Common yarrow

Indian rice grass

Columbia monkshood

Western baneberry

Grand hound's tongue

Nettle-leaf horsemint

Western snakeroot

Taper-tip onion

Nevius' onion


Pearly everlasting

Columbia windflower / Western white anemone

Cliff anemone

Oregon anemone

Sharp-tooth angelica

Spreading dogbane

Hemp dogbane

Red columbine

Hairy manzanita


Heartleaf arnica


Western mugwort

Big sagebrush


Wild ginger

Narrow-leaved milkweed

Showy milkweed

Hood River milkvetch

Carey's balsamroot

Tall Oregon grape

Dull Oregon grape

Incense cedar


Great camas

Common camas

Bluebell bellflower

Few-flowered aster

Slender toothwort

Elk Sedge

Harsh paintbrush

Scarlet paintbrush


Netleaf hackberry


Green rabbitbrush